2012.02 - 2012.12
State center of physical and chemical sciences and technology
Together with partners UAB INECO projected, supplyed and mounted technological equipment for galvanic coating experimental line. Medium of cooling - H2S04 (sulfiruc acid). Cooling system - non direct cooling, cooling medium - ethylene glycol and water mixture. In system is used non typical special heat-exchangers, piping and chemical pumps. Control of system - full automatic.
2012.03 - 2012.12
Gomel meat factory (Belarussia)
Together with partners HOLOD INTERNATIONAL PLIUS (BY) projected, supplyed and mounted two stage low temperature freezing system. Refrigerant - R717 (ammonia). Cooling capacity 520 KW at To=-40oC ir Tc=+35oC. In system used MYCOM two stage screw package, GOHL cooling tower. Control of system - full automatic.